
Course Delivery Methods

Certification Course List

Course Delivery Methods

Traditional delivery: A traditional course is one in which instruction is delivered fully on-site with face-to-face interaction between the instructor and student on a designated schedule. A traditional course may make use of computers, the internet, or other electronic media in the classroom. Students may be directed to online materials provided by publishers or to other internet accessible sources as part of their course work. Students may need access to a computer.

Example: Rescue Technician: Structural Collapse I/II on campus at the AFC or a Fire Instructor I being hosted at a local fire department.

Hybrid delivery: A hybrid course has fewer in-person course meetings than a traditional course. A portion of the course is delivered online and a portion is delivered at a designated site on a designated schedule (ex. skills/JPR testing). Students must have access to a computer. Hybrid courses incorporate the same competencies as courses offered in the traditional classroom. Instead of attending a course where an instructor provides a lecture and leads a classroom discussion, hybrid courses utilize the internet in various degrees to deliver course content. This allows students and instructors to overcome the constraints of time, geography, and career commitments.

Example: Certified Volunteer Fire Fighter course where much of the course content is reviewed without an instructor in a given time frame and at the student’s own pace. End-of-subject exams are conducted via computer through AFC Online. Skills review and testing are conducted face-to-face with skills proctors.

Additional conditions and requirements apply to certain courses. Please contact for further information regarding a specific course.

Web-Enhanced: Web-enhanced classes are the same courses we offer on-campus, with the classroom portion conducted in an online environment. All instruction will take place with one of our qualified instructors according to a specific schedule. These classes are not self-paced. Courses requiring hands-on skills are still conducted in person. CURRENT OFFERINGS are limited.