Hazardous Materials Refresher
HM Refresher training is required for all responders at their current level of training and certification (Awareness, Operations, Technician, & Incident Commander) and is required annually under the OSHA standard 1910.120(q)(8). NFPA 1072 1.2.6 states responders shall remain current with the knowledge and skills and job performance requirements address for each level or position of qualification. Since departments may have different levels of HM response capabilities, the HM Refresher classes and curriculum are semi-custom in that departments can select from various topics to satisfy their specific needs or the objectives they want to accomplish. To determine if a HM Refresher class is suitable for your level of training, please contact the HM Program manager at hazmatprograms@alabamafirecollege.org. The content of this course can vary, but in general the topics include review of relevant regulations, site entry and control, decontamination, PPE, medical surveillance, hazard recognition, product identification, hazard assessment, risk evaluation, response objectives, and termination activities.