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CAFCA: Fire Department Operations, Strategies, and Tactics – A View from Alabama (Trussville)

March 13 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm CDT


Trussville Civic Center

5381 Trussville Clay Road
Trussville, AL 35173 United States

This course targets Fire Officers and Firefighters operating in non-urban environments facing staffing challenges on fireground incidents. This course will not only look at the strategies and tactics view but also the general operation view items such as the whys of what we do. We will have interactive computer simulations throughout the program, with everything presented from the realistic platform of how most of us realistically provide service. Participants will have to participate and focus on the important questions of:

  • Why are we here today, in this job, in my department?
  • What is this job?
  • Who do we/I serve?
  • Am I doing my best?
  • Who is at fault?
  • Why are we paid less?
  • Why do we provide EMS?
  • Why do we provide EMS transport?
  • When did I last train myself, my crew?