- (Pro Board or IFSAC) Certified Rescue Technician: Swiftwater I/II or Technical Rescue Personnel: Swiftwater Awareness, Operations, and Technician Levels
- Valid Vessel License
Required Text & Resources
Jones & Bartlett, Water Rescue: Principles and Practice, Third Edition
Certification Course Syllabus
Certification Practical Exam Materials
Special Equipment
- Water helmet or climbing helmet (no firefighting helmets)
- Wetsuit or dry suit
- Water boots or tennis shoes
- Water gloves
- Coast Guard approved Type V personal flotation device
- 2 forms of waterproof light (waterproof flashlight and glow stick for night drill)
- Students are strongly encouraged to bring watercraft from their agency as well as fuel, oil, and spare props. This will help with agency watercraft familiarization.
Physical Requirements
This is a physically demanding course which requires student to be in good physical condition.